May 08, 2007

tobacco tax funding ASH ads?

When the government raises tobacco tax -- saying it's to pay for the health costs of smoking -- Pilar begrudgingly pays more for her cigarettes, but when she sees government funded anti-smoking advertisements similar to those used by ASH on television, radio and in print she quite rightly fumes!

"Who is running the government, ASH or our elected representatives?" asks Pilar. "And how dare they spend revenue raised from smokers to fund disgusting advertisements designed to beat us up."

"You would think that the ASH activists would have better things to pour their energies into, wouldn't you," sighs Pilar. "They are 100% dedicated to stamping out smokers and it wouldn't matter if a terrorist bomb dropped near them -- they'd still focus their attentions on smokers because it appears that we, not the terrorists, are always going to be the main enemy, the main scourge of the Earth."

"Damn it, even drug addicts shooting up heroin are better treated than smokers are," says Pilar, "and all of this vilification appears to be due entirely to the propaganda against smoking put out by ASH. Starting out with little lies and repeating them endlessly, they eventually become irrefutable truths. It's brainwashing at its worst."

"I watch television, read papers and listen to the radio purely for entertainment and news," says Pilar. "I don't expect to be confronted with bullying, vile and untruthful advertisements against smoking -- and especially when they are put out by the government and paid for by my smoking tax dollars."

"Where are these billions of tobacco sin-tax dollars going?" asks Pilar. "Straight into the pockets of the anti-smoking lobby, that's where -- or straight into the pockets of pharmaceutical companies designing more and more dodgy products which are supposed to help people stop smoking."

"Well, hello? Tobacco is my drug of choice, smoking is my only vice, I have no intention of quitting and I demand that these moral crusaders get off my back!"

Read more by Pilar on this issue:

  • taxes diverted to the rich

  • ASH goes MADD

  • Crazy government priorities

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