August 28, 2012

cut military spending!

With the change of government in the UK, Allegra is pleased that there is going to be a once-in-a-generation cut to government spending to deal with a national debt requiring interest payments far in excess of several department budgets, and she is delighted that the Ministry of Defence has particularly come under scrutiny for its profligacy and suggests that the UK could solve its financial problems and future war crime indictments in one fell swoop by eliminating the MoD entirely because it has done nothing to stop the real war on terror which is happening right now, on our streets, here - not over there.

"Our armed forces have not been deployed to defend the nation since WWII," says Allegra, "and those who wish to play silly war games should join a private military organization as mercenaries and not expect to be supported by taxpayers."

"We should withdraw all of our military commitments and dismantle the publicly funded military machine," says Allegra. "When the real war on terror is happening right under our noses, on our streets, and our real enemies are living amongst us, thanks to lax immigration processes, what on earth are we doing going into debt to China in order to fight a war on its borders, not ours?"

"Afghanistan and Iraq are none of our business," says Allegra. "That part of the world is tribal, always has been and always will be, and we should let them get on with killing themselves - just like we did back in the pre-enlightenment days when we, too, were tribal."

"I favor the Swiss model of self-defense," says Allegra. "Every citizen should be capable of defending his or her home and country, and after dismantling the war machine we could re-employ military personnel to policing our streets and making us safer at home."

"All those fat cats in the MoD should be let go to consider the error of their ways," adds Allegra. "Legally, we will be stuck with paying their over-inflated pensions, but at least we won't be sucked into any more of their grossly expensive overseas military adventures that your great-grandchildren and mine will be paying off."

Read more by Allegra:

Cameron should cut upper crust welfare!

Cameron cuts welfare benefits?

cut public sector pensions and perks!

cut foreign aid, charity begins at home