August 28, 2012

nobody safe in a created democracy

The invasion of Iraq created more than 3,400 Iraqi refugees seeking asylum in Britain, and Aisha's war-ravaged family is among them. Creating a democratic government in Iraq has not changed anything.

"We fear being deported as soon as the troops leave Iraq," sighs Aisha, "but that is when the real killing will start. Don't they understand what they have done? What terrible forces they have set free?

"Saddam may have been a monster but he kept order and life was livable under his regime."

"Iraq will never be livable again -- for us or any peace loving people," explains Aisha. "It will be like the Democratic Republic of Congo -- or any country which has had democracy foisted upon it.”

“How can any country dare call itself democratic when people are being killed in the streets and in their homes every day,” Asks Aisha. “How would you like that in Britain? How would you like your babies being traumatized every day, year in and out, by bombing and shooting and blood and guts and screams and abominable sights? "

"Just because a country has a democratic government does not make it a safe place to live," says Aisha. "Are you forgetting that there were two great wars in democratic Europe last century that made millions of refugees -- just like my family is now."

"Those millions of refugees found new homes in safe new countries far away, and the Jews, indeed, had a new country created just for them."

“For God’s sake, have pity on the children,” says Aisha. "Stop invading other people’s countries!”

Read more by Aisha on this issue:

  • Go back where you came from?

  • traumatized kids in asylum limbo

  • limbo immigrants