August 28, 2012

smoke screen peace

Sissy voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries because she was sick to death of war and desperately wanted to see all troops out of foreign wars and funds being diverted to peaceful domestic policies instead. The prospect of 100 years in Iraq under McCain or the whole of Iran being wiped off the face of the earth by Clinton scared her to death, as it should every American.

“Unfortunately, true to the shallow nature of American politics, the fact that Obama has lapsed in his promise to his wife to quit smoking is seen as a bigger issue than the war crimes being perpetrated in Iraq,” says Sissy, “and unless people wake up to themselves quick smart peace may go up in smoke as well as many more lives.”

“Did they really think that quitting smoking would make him more appealing to voters – that he’d have one less reason for voters to turn against him?” asks Sissy. “For goodness sakes, people are attracted to him because of his so-called flaws not in spite of them. To quit smoking to win votes is as ridiculous as changing his middle name to deflect the Islam taunts or painting his face white to deflect the black taunts. What on earth were they thinking?”

“A presidential candidate is supposed to lead and be bold, not follow the herd, and I voted for him plain and simple because he’s our best bet to get us out of Iraq – his policy is crucial and it doesn’t bother me what he looks like, which god he prays to or what addictions he has,” explains Sissy. “If he loses the presidency because of continuing smoking lapses and poor performance then I hope Michelle will be satisfied that her wishes were more important than ours – not just Obama’s died in the wool supporters but the many Americans who went out on a limb and changed their voting pattern because of his stand on Iraq.”

Read more by Sissy on this issue:

  • once a smoker always a smoker

  • Barack Obama Smokes?

  • backing a winner?

  • addictive friends

  • walking on water

  • a life changing vote

  • who’s the boss?

  • candidates and spouses

  • and check out:

  • Secrets of Barack Obama’s Age

  • Obama, Clinton or McCain?